Numbers in Ithkuil

Learn numbers in Ithkuil

Knowing numbers in Ithkuil is probably one of the most useful things you can learn to say, write and understand in Ithkuil. Learning to count in Ithkuil may appeal to you just as a simple curiosity or be something you really need. Perhaps you have planned a trip to a country where Ithkuil is the most widely spoken language, and you want to be able to shop and even bargain with a good knowledge of numbers in Ithkuil.

It's also useful for guiding you through street numbers. You'll be able to better understand the directions to places and everything expressed in numbers, such as the times when public transportation leaves. Can you think of more reasons to learn numbers in Ithkuil?

Ithkuil (Iţkuîl) is an experimental constructed language created by the Californian John Quijada (1978-2016), published on the web from 2004, a cross between an a priori philosophical and a logical language. Ithkuil has its own logogramic writing system, named Içtaîl, a morpho-phonemic script.

List of numbers in Ithkuil

Here is a list of numbers in Ithkuil. We have made for you a list with all the numbers in Ithkuil from 1 to 20. We have also included the tens up to the number 100, so that you know how to count up to 100 in Ithkuil. We also close the list by showing you what the number 1000 looks like in Ithkuil.

  • 1) llal
  • 2) ksal
  • 3) ţkal
  • 4) pxal
  • 5) sţal
  • 6) cqal
  • 7) nsal
  • 8) fyal
  • 9) xmal
  • 10) mřal
  • 11) llalik
  • 12) ksalik
  • 13) ţkalik
  • 14) pxalik
  • 15) sţalik
  • 16) cqalik
  • 17) nsalik
  • 18) fyalik
  • 19) xmalik
  • 20) mřalik
  • 21) llalök
  • 22) ksalök
  • 23) ţkalök
  • 24) pxalök
  • 25) sţalök
  • 26) cqalök
  • 27) nsalök
  • 28) fyalök
  • 29) xmalök
  • 30) mřalök
  • 31) llalek
  • 32) ksalek
  • 33) ţkalek
  • 34) pxalek
  • 35) sţalek
  • 36) cqalek
  • 37) nsalek
  • 38) fyalek
  • 39) xmalek
  • 40) mřalek
  • 41) llalîk
  • 42) ksalîk
  • 43) ţkalîk
  • 44) pxalîk
  • 45) sţalîk
  • 46) cqalîk
  • 47) nsalîk
  • 48) fyalîk
  • 49) xmalîk
  • 50) mřalîk
  • 51) llalak
  • 52) ksalak
  • 53) ţkalak
  • 54) pxalak
  • 55) sţalak
  • 56) cqalak
  • 57) nsalak
  • 58) fyalak
  • 59) xmalak
  • 60) mřalak
  • 61) llalûk
  • 62) ksalûk
  • 63) ţkalûk
  • 64) pxalûk
  • 65) sţalûk
  • 66) cqalûk
  • 67) nsalûk
  • 68) fyalûk
  • 69) xmalûk
  • 70) mřalûk
  • 71) llalok
  • 72) ksalok
  • 73) ţkalok
  • 74) pxalok
  • 75) sţalok
  • 76) cqalok
  • 77) nsalok
  • 78) fyalok
  • 79) xmalok
  • 80) mřalok
  • 81) llalük
  • 82) ksalük
  • 83) ţkalük
  • 84) pxalük
  • 85) sţalük
  • 86) cqalük
  • 87) nsalük
  • 88) fyalük
  • 89) xmalük
  • 90) mřalük
  • 91) llaluk
  • 92) ksaluk
  • 93) ţkaluk
  • 94) pxaluk
  • 95) sţaluk
  • 96) cqaluk
  • 97) nsaluk
  • 98) fyaluk
  • 99) xmaluk
  • 100) ňal

Numbers in Ithkuil: Ithkuil numbering rules

Each culture has specific peculiarities that are expressed in its language and its way of counting. The Ithkuil is no exception. If you want to learn numbers in Ithkuil you will have to learn a series of rules that we will explain below. If you apply these rules you will soon find that you will be able to count in Ithkuil with ease.

The way numbers are formed in Ithkuil is easy to understand if you follow the rules explained here. Surprise everyone by counting in Ithkuil. Also, learning how to number in Ithkuil yourself from these simple rules is very beneficial for your brain, as it forces it to work and stay in shape. Working with numbers and a foreign language like Ithkuil at the same time is one of the best ways to train our little gray cells, so let's see what rules you need to apply to number in Ithkuil

  • The roots of numbers one to ten are the following: -ll- [1], -ks- [2], -ţk- [3], -px- [4], -sţ- [5], -cq- [6], -ns- [7], -fy- [8], -xm- [9], and -mř- [10].
  • From these roots, we can form the digits in base 100 by adding to them -a-, the affix marking the oblique case of the word (the standard case found in dictionaries), and the affix -l-, the Ca., or the synthetic affix, which marks here we are describing an object.
  • From one to ten, nothing else is needed, so we get: llal [1], ksal [2], ţkal [3], pxal [4], sţal [5], cqal [6], nsal [7], fyal [8], xmal [9], and mřal [10].
  • To form higher numbers, we suffix those first ten numbers to express the addition: -ik (+ 10), -ök (+ 20), -ek (+ 30), -îk/-uëk (+ 40), -ak (+ 50), -ûk/-iëk (+ 60), -ok (+ 70), -ük/-akk (+ 80), and -uk (+ 90). These suffixes are actually made of two affixes: the first one being marking the case, and the second one, -k, describing an “unbounded” set.
  • With the affixes -i- and -k, we obtain: llalik [11], ksalik [12], ţkalik [13], pxalik [14], sţalik [15], cqalik [16], nsalik [17], fyalik [18], xmalik [19], and mřalik [20].
  • With the affixes -ö- and -k, we obtain: llalök [21], ksalök [22], ţkalök [23], pxalök [24], sţalök [25], cqalök [26], nsalök [27], fyalök [28], xmalök [29], and mřalök [30].
  • With the affixes -e- and -k, we obtain: llalek [31], ksalek [32], ţkalek [33], pxalek [34], sţalek [35], cqalek [36], nsalek [37], fyalek [38], xmalek [39], and mřalek [40].
  • With the affixes -î- and -k, we obtain: llalîk [41], ksalîk [42], ţkalîk [43], pxalîk [44], sţalîk [45], cqalîk [46], nsalîk [47], fyalîk [48], xmalîk [49], and mřalîk [50].
  • With the affixes -a- and -k, we obtain: llalak [51], ksalak [52], ţkalak [53], pxalak [54], sţalak [55], cqalak [56], nsalak [57], fyalak [58], xmalak [59], and mřalak [60].
  • With the affixes -û- and -k, we obtain: llalûk [61], ksalûk [62], ţkalûk [63], pxalûk [64], sţalûk [65], cqalûk [66], nsalûk [67], fyalûk [68], xmalûk [69], and mřalûk [70].
  • With the affixes -o- and -k, we obtain: llalok [71], ksalok [72], ţkalok [73], pxalok [74], sţalok [75], cqalok [76], nsalok [77], fyalok [78], xmalok [79], and mřalok [80].
  • With the affixes -ü- and -k, we obtain: llalük [81], ksalük [82], ţkalük [83], pxalük [84], sţalük [85], cqalük [86], nsalük [87], fyalük [88], xmalük [89], and mřalük [90].
  • With the affixes -u- and -k, we obtain: llaluk [91], ksaluk [92], ţkaluk [93], pxaluk [94], sţaluk [95], cqaluk [96], nsaluk [97], fyaluk [98], and xmaluk [99].
  • The root of the word for hundred is -ň-. From it, we form the word ňal [100]. The compound numbers from 10010 to 10 00010 (i.e. from 10100 to 100100) are formed stating the “ten” (in base 100), the word for hundred in the partitive case (ňial) and the “unit” (in base 100). Beyond 199100, ňial can be omitted. We can thus write ksalîk (ňial) xmalök [4229100] (literaly “42 hundreds 29”).
  • The scale numbers, or powers of 100, have the following roots: -zm- for tens of thousands (1002), -pstw- hundreds of millions (1004), and -čkh- for tens of quadrillions (1008). From them, we can form the words zmal [10,000], pstwal [one hundred millions, or 108], and čkhal [10 quadrillions, or 1016].
  • For the names of big numbers, their partitive case is used (respectively zmial, pstwial, and čkhial). If the scale name (the term of the base unit) is in the partitive case (which expresses the part of a whole), the lower scale names are in the comitative case(which expresses the accompaniment), and the coordinative suffix -iň is also used.
  • We can thus write the following numbers: cqalök zmial nseuluk (ňial) cqalûk [269,766100] (literaly “26 ten-thousands, 97 hundreds and 66”), llalök ňial zmual [21,000,000100] (literaly “21 hundreds of ten-thousands”), ksalok ňial xmalokiň apstwial ţkeul ňial ţkalakiň zmual pxeulek mřalûk [727,903,533,460100] (literaly “72 hundreds andt 79 hundreds of millions and 3 hundreds andt 53 ten-thousands and 3460”).
  • Ithkuil
  • Numbers in different languages